Mama Ayo has been featured in the following media:
Washington Post * Afro American Newspaper * Washington Times * Washington Informer * The New York Times
Target Magazine * Upscale Magazine * Bev Smith Show, syndicated * Tom Joyner Morning Show, syndicated
Power Point syndicated * American Urban Radio - 300 national affiliates * Bob Law “Night Talk” syndicated WOL WPFW * WJZY * WPGC * WETA * WEAA * Metro Network Syndicated News * WTOP Radio * WHUR WHMM-TV-Evening Exchange * DCTV 25/26 * WUSA TV 9 * WUSA- Broadcast House Live * News Channel 8
NBC News * Fox Morning News * CNN National * C-Span International * HARAMBEE Internet Radio Voice of America international broadcast to 22 countries
Notable appearances/presentations made at the following venues:
Life Style Expo - Radio One * Black Student Union - Chatham College, PA,
Black Voices for Peace MLK Mini Conference
Million Family March - National Mall
Black Expo USA * National Theater, Wash., D. C.
Juneteenth 2000 – Lincoln Memorial & U. S. Capital
Right to Health Care – U.S. Capital * French Embassy
Fort Dupont Summer Theater * Ubiquity - Howard University
African American Women on Tour, Wash., D. C. * Kwanzaa Holiday Expo, N.Y.
St. Louis, Missouri Book Festival * Kappa Phi, Atlanta Georgia
Fort Washington Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.
West Virginia University * P.G. Community College * American University * Black Love Ceremony -St. Louis Capitol City Kwanzaa - Richmond, Virginia * Juneteenth Music Festival - Civil War Memorial
Roots & Gospel Festival, Benin, West Africa
Martin Luther King Jr. Library – Black Studies Division * Imani Temple Church
Mother’s Day 24-Hour Vigil to End the War * Science of Spirituality Center
Sudanese American Development Community Organization
Numerous schools, churches & community programs in Washington, D.C. Metropolitan area
Washington Post * Afro American Newspaper * Washington Times * Washington Informer * The New York Times
Target Magazine * Upscale Magazine * Bev Smith Show, syndicated * Tom Joyner Morning Show, syndicated
Power Point syndicated * American Urban Radio - 300 national affiliates * Bob Law “Night Talk” syndicated WOL WPFW * WJZY * WPGC * WETA * WEAA * Metro Network Syndicated News * WTOP Radio * WHUR WHMM-TV-Evening Exchange * DCTV 25/26 * WUSA TV 9 * WUSA- Broadcast House Live * News Channel 8
NBC News * Fox Morning News * CNN National * C-Span International * HARAMBEE Internet Radio Voice of America international broadcast to 22 countries
Notable appearances/presentations made at the following venues:
Life Style Expo - Radio One * Black Student Union - Chatham College, PA,
Black Voices for Peace MLK Mini Conference
Million Family March - National Mall
Black Expo USA * National Theater, Wash., D. C.
Juneteenth 2000 – Lincoln Memorial & U. S. Capital
Right to Health Care – U.S. Capital * French Embassy
Fort Dupont Summer Theater * Ubiquity - Howard University
African American Women on Tour, Wash., D. C. * Kwanzaa Holiday Expo, N.Y.
St. Louis, Missouri Book Festival * Kappa Phi, Atlanta Georgia
Fort Washington Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.
West Virginia University * P.G. Community College * American University * Black Love Ceremony -St. Louis Capitol City Kwanzaa - Richmond, Virginia * Juneteenth Music Festival - Civil War Memorial
Roots & Gospel Festival, Benin, West Africa
Martin Luther King Jr. Library – Black Studies Division * Imani Temple Church
Mother’s Day 24-Hour Vigil to End the War * Science of Spirituality Center
Sudanese American Development Community Organization
Numerous schools, churches & community programs in Washington, D.C. Metropolitan area
.:. The Kwanzaa Griot Storytelling – African storytelling with drumming, call and response, playing African instruments, and interactive play exposes young and old to their cultural heritage. Favorites include: “The Talking Drum” on greed; “The Kingdom of Save & Spend” on recycling Black dollars; “A Diversity Healing Story” on racism and intolerance; “African Musical Instruments”; “What’s Your Special Gift” or “Black History Story”, and stories for each of the 7 Principles of the Nguzo Saba. Stories can also be custom-tailored for specific ages, events, or gatherings (at extra charge).
30-minute Performance
.:. Kwanzaa is a Holiday – A story performance on Kwanzaa, the African American cultural holiday”. The origin, history and symbols of Kwanzaa come alive with call-and-response, rap, singing and drama with audience participation.A highly popular performance that delights young and old, which encourages the daily use of the 7 principles beyond the 7 'wholydays' of Kwanzaa.
30-minute Performance / 1-hour Performance with Lecture
.:. Freedom Song – A story performance that re-enacts the ending of slavery for American Blacks through the celebration of either, D.C. Emancipation Day, Juneteenth or connects them together, as seen through the eyes of an enslaved woman. Includes Negro Spirituals and a diversity discussion on modern-day reparations and the lingering effects of enslavement and racism.
30-minute Performance / 1-hour Performance with Lecture
.:. Ms. Sarah’s Wedding Dress - A story-performance of an enslaved women’s determination to marry before her community, supported by her white slave master. Great for Black History Month, or June-Bridal time.
30-minute Performance with 1-hour Lecture
.:. Rites of Passage – A story performance/lecture that explains “rites of passage” as an African-centered concept of growth and achievement.
30-minute Performance or 1-hour Lecture
.:. There’s a Cultural Message In Our Fashions – A story performance, lecture and/or interactive demo workshop that explores the African roots and African American contributions to fashion, as seen today. Defines culture and promotes self-esteem in the unique ways in which we portray our Black beauty and style. Emphasis placed on Spiritual symbols in fabric; cloth wrapping of the head and body; body piercing, tattooing, and henna dying; jewelry and accessory adornment; and hair statements. Come dressed culturally and be part of the show.
30-minute Performance / 1-hour Performance & Lecture / 3-hour Workshop
.:. Black Love Relationship Lecture - A lecture/ demo/reading from the founder of Black Love Day, that describes the keys to fulfilling relationships. Defines the universal concepts of love and the importance of love, especially self-love, as a healing force. Gives the “how-to” of observing Black Love Day – Feb. 13th. Demonstration of Ritual of Reconciliation.
30-minute “Black Love Book” Reading
1-hour Lecture & Ritual Demo
.:. Holiday Lecture - Lecture examines the 4 major effects of holidays on people of African descent. Introduces Kwanzaa, its origin, symbols and significance of the 7 principles. Introduces Black Love Day, Junetenth, Malcolm X Day, MLK Day, African American Women’s History Month, and more. Examines rituals as positive solutions to redirect holidays for healing and self-help.
30-minute / 1-hour Lecture
.:. Youth Entrepreneurship – An interactive workshop that explores entrepreneurship. Translates the skills youth see on the street into the language of business. Explores the principle of Ujamaa (cooperative economics) and role-plays the importance of recycling Black dollars. Encourages use of holidays and celebrations as opportunities for entrepreneurs. Can be combined with performance story on“The Kingdom of Save & Spend.”
1-hour Lecture / 5-hour Workshop
.:. Women’s Empowerment Workshop – An interactive workshop that encourages women to maximize quality lives, just as other "sheroes" historically claimed their power and Black love, Inner and outer dialogue, “conscious breathing”, visualization, rituals for bonding, and principles for healing. Great for Women’s History Month (March) or African American Women’s History Month (April).
1-hour Lecture / 3-hour Workshop
.:. Holiday Stress Management – Facilitated workshop using conscious breathing, movement, visualization, meditative writing and discussion on holiday stressors, grief, relationships, food and life-style management to experience the most positive holidays ever and to stay positive long after the holidays. Ideal in workplace and institutionalized sessions to help reduce seasonal absenteeism and low-productivity.
1-hour Lecture + Demo / 3-hour workshop
.:. Holiday Diversity and Holiday Stress –Get on the right track of holiday cultural competency, by understanding diverse, cultural holiday rituals, decorations, food customs to encourage greater cultural sensitivity around such holidays as Kwanzaa, Christmas, Hanukkah, Juneteenth, Ramadan and other Islamic holiday traditions, Chinese New Year, Black Love Day, Black History Month, etc. Also, learn about “Holiday Stress Syndrone” – the many lifestyle stressors which impacts seasonal absenteeism and low-productivity.
1-hour Lecture + Demo / 3-hour workshop
.:. Cultural Holiday Decorating Workshop – Provides the “how-to” on cultural decorations for any holiday/celebration/special event decorating theme, especially ideal for Kwanzaa, Black Love Day, Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving, parties, weddings, or family reunions.
1-hour Lecture + Demo / 3-hour workshop
.:. Holiday Fundraising Workshop – Explains the “how-to” on fundraising with African American holidays. Great for non-profits, groups or individuals. Includes methodology of fundraising; marketing & promoting techniques; group dynamics; grassroots, alternative fundraising ideas explored; soliciting funds and volunteer help; offers a list of African American Holidays.
1-hour Lecture / 5-hour workshop
.:. Organizing Events Workshop - Provides the “how-to’s” on organizing a special event, march, holiday celebration with marketplace theme. Includes developing a plan of action; finding a site; conducting site inspection; conducting a feasibility study of project; developing a program timeline; soliciting volunteers, entertainment, vendors, exhibitors; developing public relations/marketing campaign;, developing fundraising plan; creating an annual event plan.
1-hour Lecture / 5-hour Workshop
.:. How to Promote a Special Event – Workshop on the how-to’s on developing an effective marketing, advertising and/or public relations campaign for products or services, especially for a tight budget. Separate workshops also offered for in-depth study of promotions, public relations, advertising, marketing, internet outreach.
1-hour Lecture / 5-hour Workshop
.:. Kwanzaa Ceremony Officiating - Candle lighting Ceremony at home, school or public gathering, with explanation of Kwanzaa, the symbols and the 7 principles (Nguzo Saba)
.:. Black Love Relationship Ceremony or Ritual of Reconciliation - Officiating of a ceremony of atonement, forgiveness, public and private apology. Includes all symbols used in the ritual with explanation. Ritual ideal for conflict resolution or mediation sessions, diversity work, spiritual programs / institutionalized settings.
.:. African Wedding Rites - Officiating the “Symbols of Life” and/or Jumping the Broom ceremony. Includes historical and cultural explanation and involves audience participation.
.:. Mamatoto Baby Shower / Naming Ceremony / Rite of Passage - Officiating for unborn, infants, youth, or adults with Libations, audience participation, and “Symbols of Life” anointing.
.:. Libation Pouring and Closing Rituals - Traditional for all ceremonies, programs, gatherings to open in a universal prayer to the Ancestors and unity close, releasing Ancestors.